This is the wedding cake we designed and created for Steph & Alex for their wedding reception in East Sussex last Saturday.

It was actually Alex’s dad who came to see us.. Richard, a pastry chef by trade had been commissioned as ‘wedding cake maker extraordinaire’ a couple of months prior to the wedding day.  Richard, having worked in some of London’s top hotels and kitchens in his time, thought ‘not a problem’!

As the date drew nearer Richard started to practice some of his old skills.  To be fair, the skills honed by a pastry chef are very different to that of sugar craft.  After a spending a weekend at home – dedicated to baking and dabbling in some sugar floristry – Richard turned to Google for help…

By the following weekend, he had visited us at the studio, design agreed, Deposit paid and all booked in.

Steph had chosen some very distinctive flowers in her bouquets and we wanted to match them exactly in sugar.  The ‘black lilies’ were new for us, as were the succulents but we were so pleased with how they came out.

We received a lovely thank you from Richard.  An absolute pleasure to work for.
